Double Night Gathering in a Row?!

February 14, 2017

One of the reasons why I came back early to my temporary home because I had to join two night gatherings (malam keakraban) in a week. The first one is Himatif’s and the second one is my generation’s. Let me tell you both.

Himatif’s night gathering was held on February 9th-10th in Datuk Manglayang Villa. The first day we had games such as UNO, werewolf, cards, etc. and in the night we had meeting for all departments. Then in the next day we came back to Jatinangor at about 11 AM because it was Friday and Muslim boys had to have Friday’s shalat. Yeah, so basically it’s only a day and a night gathering. I don’t think it’s enough for making this cabinet united?

Next I went to my generation’s night gathering on February 12th-14th in Damos Villa. The first day we were doing nothing just free time because when we arrived it’s already night including us who had to join faculty’s Students Executive Board event first. In the next day, we had games. Finally, in the last day there was gift exchange activity and generation forum (forum angkatan?). While living in this villa, I mostly spent my time in the girls’ room because I was too lazy to move since my knee hurt. And the aura was very sleepy so I could sleep easily, not like previous night gathering which I went to sleep at 2 AM because playing werewolf a lot. So basically I thought I didn’t have many good moments here.

Both night gatherings I reached with motorcycle, except when I came back to Jatinangor from Damos Villa because I could have seat in Abie’s new car hehe. Seriously it’s very helpful because I didn’t want to be weary using motorcycle while my knee hurt.

Double night gatherings in a week are such an exhausting activities and money-wasting. I’ve also not enjoyed both of them.

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