Bad Year

December 26, 2018

I was really confused whether I should go back to Jakarta faster or not. It was one of my faults too that I couldn’t convince Fajar to fix my old laptop as soon as possible. He was a busy person. His responsibilities were not only in Himatif or campus projects. He was also the president of Minangkabau cultures lovers unit aka UPBM and Merpati Putih which was really awesome. Also, I still didn’t get any internships even though I had already showed off to my family and friends that I thought I could get Shopee internship. But yeah finally I chose to go back home since I couldn’t do anything in my temporary home because the WiFi hadn’t been paid anymore and I couldn’t work peacefully. It was the same in my house in Jakarta but I felt better to do there rather than in Jatinangor because I had some agendas in Jakarta especially for checking up my eyes and making a pair of new glasses. I also had to have some interviews to get a new internship for this semester holidays. So far I got two agencies who called me for the internships but I still had to have the interview for making it sure. Phew, I am really worried about myself. Could I be the success person? Was I choosing wrong ways all this time?

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