Grand Launching of Himatif 2017

February 21, 2017

Today is the day where us, the new caretakers of Himatif show our faces and present our programs for this year to lecturers and Himatif big family. Let me tell you.

Days before today, me and other Media and Information Department staffs had a very strict deadline for our first program, which name was Impression. Impression is one of Media and Information Department programs and it’s how we show Himatif big family the cabinet’s profile in video. It’s included our faces, our programs, and our visions and missions. Actually, we had Iyon who were already pro for video editing but there were some changes in departments’ programs and just notified today so he had to edit the video only in a few hours before the event. Thank God, it’s done before the event.

Grand Launching of Himatif’s New Faces is one of Internal Relation Department programs. The event was held in PPBS B hall at 4 PM. It’s started with Al-Quran reading, singing three primary independent songs (Indonesia Raya, Hymn of Unpad, and March of Himatif), and then some opening speeches from Senior Denny as the president of Himatif executive board and Mr. Juli Rejito as the head of Informatics Study. After that, our Impression video was showed and the primary part of this event started. One by one, from the legislative board (Cabinet of Insight) to executive board (Cabinet of Impressive), from commissions to departments, we present our names and explain our programs. These presentations were ended with Q&A. Finally, cutting tumpeng by Senior Denny as the president of Himatif executive board and Senior Iqbal as the president of Himatif legislative board. And not forget to mention, taking photos of Himatif’s all new caretakers.

I hope we all can be a good team for this year so Himatif can be better and more popular!

By the way, Media and Information Department and Internal Relation Department had an evaluation meeting with legislative board after that event. Evaluation meeting is held for evaluating programs which have already done in that day. For today of course were Impression and Grand Launching Event. But let’s talk only about Impression evaluation, because it’s my department’s program LOL. There were some critics and suggestions about the video. The video was too long so it’s too boring to watch. The photos of us in the video weren’t wear Himatif coat at all. Also, we were asked if we could upload the video in YouTube or Himatif website. But we could just say that we should edit the video first before upload it.

So far, it’s a good thing to see our first program was a success hit even though there were some critics as I said above. But I can’t say today is a good day. What a damn day, I got my first day of this month’s period today so I couldn’t concentrate well in everything because all I could think was when would this finish. And when it finished, I only could walk to my temporary home because the boys didn’t have enough motorcycles to drive the girls home so the girls decided to walk together rather than use the boys’ motorcycles. Yeah it’s so uncomfortable and I’d been thinking a lot too about some problems I faced with my department lately. Did I tell you before? Compared with faculty’s Media Department, I enjoyed myself in it than Himatif’s Media and Information Department. Even though it’s only me who was junior but I still could mingle with all staffs and of course the head of department. But in Himatif’s, I didn’t see any jokes or friendly talks in our group. That’s one of the problems, time by time I will tell it again because it’s enough for today!

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