I Become Famous

November 12, 2018

Like I said in the title, I become famous lately because my team just won a competition in GEMASTIK. Here’s some notable events that I remembered. It’s not sorted by requesting time order because I forgot sorry.

There was from Padjadjaran University’s Public Relations team who wanted to interview us about Monica. We accepted that and got interviewed by one of Padjadjaran University’s Public Relations team. Several days later, the news article was published in Padjadjaran University’s website. You can check it here.

There was also someone who contacted me via Instagram. He said that he was from BeritaInspiratif. He didn’t ask for interview session but he wanted us to share the article from BeritaInspiratif to our friends. When I checked the article, the contents were as same as in Padjadjaran University’s website. BeritaInspiratif just changed the title. Jeez, I hated a person like him. Stealing contents like it’s nothing. I just said, “Yeah, I will share it.” but deep in my heart I said, “Yeah, whatever.” You can check it here.

Tribun Jabar also contacted me via Whatsapp. He said that he got my number from Padjadjaran University’s Public Relations team. He didn’t ask for interview session but he asked for some information about Monica via phone call. Because I was quite busy at the time he contacted me, I shared Rifqy’s contact to help me answer the phone call. You can check the news article here.

Raihan had a friend who worked in Radio Unpad. Radio Unpad wanted to interview my team about our winning experience and the interview session will be broadcasted live. But because Radio Unpad team was too sudden, Rifqy and me couldn’t be in that live interview session. I didn’t know what happened to Raihan but let’s pretend everything’s alright. The announcement of our live session was shared in Radio Unpad’s Instagram here.

Last, there was from International Office of Padjadjaran University who used the news article from Padjadjaran University’s website as their news content in their Instagram account. I know this when I am being an intern there…in the future LOL. You can check it here.

Thanks to all news articles and interview sessions to our team. We won’t forget our winning experience which has changed our fate. A lot.

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