Unity in Transformation Cabinet

February 12, 2017

I don’t know what is “penyolidan” in English. There is no word like “solidaritation” or some kind like that. Whatever, I’d rather choose this title as the substitution of “Penyolidan Kabinet Transformasi” in BEM Kema FMIPA. As I had already told you, I am one of Media Department staffs in this faculty’s Students Executive Board. So far, I prefer to work in faculty than my own association. Not only because I like all of the people in this cabinet, but also jobs that I got. I was accepted in Himatif before this one but I hadn’t gotten any jobs yet there. Besides that, we never met up face to face, just via online, and it’s even very silent. Chats were only for important talks. Ah enough comparing both. Just directly told about this event.

So this event was on the same day with my generation’s night gathering! Some of my friends who also part of BEM Kema FMIPA and me had some argues about choosing this event or our generation. And finally we decided to join this event first then asked permissions for leaving early.

In this event, all of the people who were part of BEM Kema FMIPA were separated into groups for games session. I got myself in Group 6. While games session, I had to bring my heavy bag and walk to game posts. Yeah, my bag was heavy because I brought things for my generation’s night gathering. Unfortunately, I fell off and hurt my knees. And the wound is still there until now.

After taking some break time, I walked again for games session. My heavy bag was left in my rest place, the meeting room for the faculty’s Students Executive Board. There were 5 game posts and my group only won once. Haha who cares. Then all groups were united in Biology Department’s back garden(?) to next activity. It’s about talent show for every department in this cabinet. Media Department had to show Indonesia’s boyband/girlband lipsync dance. It was so awkward but that’s okay.

Last, my Informatics Engineering friends and me asked permissions for leaving early. Actually it’s not really early, because this event was almost finished so we didn’t miss any important activities. Okay that’s all. I hope we all can work together for this year!

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