Transformation Cabinet Photo Session

September 26, 2017

Today was just an usual day before I got Mila’s chat to meet her in the secretariat room of the faculty’s Student Executive Board. So this afternoon she wanted to execute one of her department’s program named MIPA Ngapel and she needed me to accompany her to do this. I thought she would be alone but when I met her she was with Senior Mella, the head of her department, and also Teguh who was one of the staff in her department. Ah by the way her department’s name was Environment Department just in case you forgot. I was a little disappointed when I met her because I looked like I interfered them. But I didn’t want to go to the photo studio alone this evening so I followed them while they were executing their program. They went to almost all department’s secretariat room to check which was the best secretariat room in the faculty. After that I went to my temporary home with Mila’s motorcycle to get ready for the cabinet’s photo session.

As I guessed, the photo session was not on time because they were other people in the cabinet who got late to the photo studio. After waiting about two hours, finally we took the photo session. These were the photos we took.

The final photo was below.

It’s not finished until there. All of 2016’s Informatics Engineering students who were joining faculty’s Student Executive Board including me were taking group photos too. At first we wanted to take photos in photobox but unfortunately at that time the photo paper was out. I also took some photos with Mila and Senior Mella.

Oh yes, by the way we got those lollipops from the Cabinet Resources Bureau. That’s all for today. After that I went to my temporary home with Mila’s motorcycle.

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