
June 27, 2018

Today my family and I went to Mangga Dua Mall. We were going to buy a new laptop for me. I was tempted to buy an ASUS laptop because some of my friends who bought a new laptop chose ASUS as the brand. Before the day, my father had already searched the recommended ASUS resellers in the mall so we just directly went to that store. Unfortunately, the store was closed. So we chose to go to any ASUS resellers which had a big text of ASUS on their stores.

Finally we got a good ASUS reseller which was very kind to my father. I wanted to buy the same type of laptop like Senior Ojan’s because he said he got it cheap and he could add new additional RAM with cheap price too. But my father was convinced by the store owner to not use any additional local RAM because it could make the laptop easily had problems. At the end after asking me for many times, I chose another type which was more expensive but with bigger RAM. But the type of the laptop that I wanted in the end wasn’t already in the store so we had to wait about an hour to get it. On the same time, my father wanted to buy a new monitor for the old computer in my house. Because he already believed this store, he chose to buy it in that store too.

While waiting for that, my family and I were eating in the mall. After that we went back to the store and luckily it was already arrived. I checked the laptop and asked the store owner to install some software inside. At the same time, my father also checked the new monitor that we bought.

After that we went back home. My father was angry to me because I was too shy to ask the store owner to copy the installers that he had rather than install it. I wanted to ask it but the store owner didn’t let me copy them so I couldn’t force him. Besides that, I argued with my father about the additional RAM problem. I didn’t like that my father was really believing other people rather than his own child but I couldn’t reject the fact that I didn’t have any proof that additional RAM didn’t make any problems to the laptop.

When the night came and we were eating together, my mother said that I should be the boy who bought his new laptop by his own. I forgot to tell that when we were in the store to buy laptop and monitor, there was a boy with the same age like me who was already prepared and knew what he wanted to buy. So my mother thought that I should be prepared like that boy. Because of that, my father was angry again because I didn’t ask as much as I could to my friends who had new ASUS laptop too. I was so sad because he brought up my position in CBS this year. He thought that this could interfere my grades. He also brought that I should get a bigger project rather than a small project from my lecturer. Seriously, the argue became very big and too far from the points just because some little faults of me. I was so sad and even cried.

Not only those, but Senior Ojan also added new sorrow to me. He was annoyed because I didn’t want to tell my new laptop type. I told him to be patient because my condition was bad at that time but he couldn’t. Finally I could speak up to him about my conditions. He didn’t really make me better but at least I could tell my problems to someone.

Actually I wanted to thank my father so much because he accepted my request to have a new laptop. My old laptop had already made me suffered because I couldn’t do some campus projects comfortably with no graphic card inside my old laptop. But I didn’t expect that today would be like this.

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